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Day 85: Idempotent APIs in Java: Concepts, Implementation Strategies, and a Spring Boot File Upload Implementation
Idempotent APIs in Java: Concepts, Implementation Strategies, and a Spring Boot File Upload Implementation
Day 84: Hot Class Reload in Java – A Webpack HMR-like Experience for Java Developers
Implementing a hot class reload system (HMR for js) using WatchService and javax.tools api
Day 83: Java Object Cloning: Exploring Shallow and Deep Copy Techniques
Exploring shallow and deep copying of object in java
Day 82: Reflection in Java: Building a Simple DI Container in 100 Lines of Code
making a minimal spring like java dependency injection container using java reflection and annotation api
Day 81: Creating custom stream operations ex: Slide, Shift, Zip and Fold using Spliterator
Implementing Sliding, shifting, Zipping and Folding a Stream by creating it from a custom spliterator