Hi there! 👋 I am Mohibul Hassan Chowdhury.

I work as a Software Engineer for a living. I’ve been fortunate enough to be able to work with some amazing folks over the past couple of years. And with their help, I garnered 3+ years of experience working on real business issues

Technology Stack

Following are the list of technologies I’m most familiar with:

Programming LanguagesJava,JS
HostingHeroku - Google Cloud Platform
FrontendVue - Nuxt
Shell ScriptingPowerShell - Bash

Besides programming, I’m also an amateur Technical Writer. My blog is one source where you can find most of my up-to-date written content. But, often there’s a book or two I keep working on. If you would like to stay updated on their progress, you might want to follow me on Twitter.

Contact Me

Want to have a professional chat with me? Feel free to drop a DM! 😄

These are the platforms you can find me on:

Note: I’m more active on Twitter, so you’ll definitely want to DM me there.

[Twitter]: https://twitter.com/dhrubo555
[Linkedin]: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mohibulhassan/
[Email]: mailto:mohibulhassan100@gmail.com
[Github]: https://github.com/dhrubo55
[Blog Source Code]: https://github.com/dhrubo55/personal-blog